Thursday, February 4, 2010

Its Magic, Baby!!!

After what feels like a small lifetime - well, two or three months - I will be making a glorious and triumphant (?) return to the game which holds, perhaps, the greatest place in my heart: Magic: The Gathering. In Portugal, Cool! 

A game whose complexity is matched only by its elegance, the language of Magic is universal. Of course I will have to reacquaint myself with the newest sets, World Wake, though the cards seem awesome at a glance, so I doubt that will require all that much effort on my part. 

The tagline for the pro tour is to: play magic, see the world, and it might not be on the pro tour but a simple Friday Night Magic will easily appease my thirst . And a pre release no doubt, perhaps the most fun a dude can have with a bunch of other dudes with cardboard. 

Gleaning over the cards it seems, wizards might want to take the defining speed of triple zendikar drafts down a notch, with what seems to be a greater abundance of 3/3 s to hold down the fort. Will this amount to much? I'm skeptical. 

Well, i have a bit of work ahead of me before Friday. But it will be fun to see how i can manage overseas. I feel sudden satisfaction with myself for finding room in my backpack for my binder of rares; hopefully the can amount to a playable amount of store credit. 

And fledgling Griffin looks bad ass. 

Matt, for now.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Magic! You were very much into it years ago. Ben strolled by recently and said you'd found a Magic convention in Portugal "Is he cool or what?"
