Well the wild frontiers of America came calling and we have since left the civilized and sumptuous Western Europe behind us. We go now to brace against the ebbing freedom we've had these past months as the tide of reality encroaches. There are very few decisions in life that are made without a hint of regret or retrospective uncertainty; and this was one of them. While I'm sure growth did occur, I can't say I was struck by any one great epiphany that will guide me into adulthood proper. That only happens in movies.
I return eager for the summer, friends, and family - but also with a sense of foreboding. My time abroad was as much an escape as it was an adventure and I wrestle with the feeling that I'm walking right back into the mouth of the lion. What we go now to face today and tomorrow is so different and things change so quickly - too quickly. But not unnaturally. Shikata ga nai, neh? It can't be helped.
So nothing to do now except sit up straight, face forward, stiff upper lip - good show old boy - and steady as she goes Mr. Mendelsohn, the sun still rises in the east.
Some pictures to enjoy.